Shortly before midnight, young Assistant United States Attorney Jonathan Luna vanishes from his desk in the federal courthouse in downtown Baltimore...
The Midnight Ride of Jonathan Luna:
now watch the documentary
Hear what Luna’s friends, colleagues, reporters, podcasters, a federal judge, and the former overseeing commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police have to say about the federal prosecutor’s untimely death.
Shortly before midnight, Assistant United States Attorney Jonathan Luna vanishes from his desk in the federal courthouse in Baltimore, Maryland. The next morning, before dawn, his body is found face down in a cold stream outside of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He’s been stabbed dozens of times....
In The Sins of Our Fathers, two young writers discover dark secrets about their hometown, and a century of hidden history leading to the public suicide of a state treasurer.
On the hot summer evening of July 21 1969, while riding through York, Pennsylvania, with her family, Lillie Belle Allen was shot and murdered by a gang of teenaged boys before the watching eyes of police and many neighbors.