Mark Felt correctly identified as Watergate
'Deep Throat' in 2004 Jonathan Luna book
Posted May 31, 2005 -- Mark Felt was correctly identified as Watergate 'Deep Throat' in December, 2004, by writer Bill Keisling, in his book, The Midnight Ride of Jonathan Luna, published by Yardbird Books.
As Keisling's readers know, the book states on page 365:
Editor and writer Bill Keisling assigned this story in 1978 -- seven months before America's largest nuclear accident in March, 1979. 'I planned and edited this magazine which forecast the Three Mile Island accident seven months before it happened,' Keisling later wrote. 'For my efforts, the electric utility tried to silence me by cutting funds to my magazine.' Was Keisling being a 'psychic?' No, he simply researched the many problems the utility, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, were having, and ignoring, with the atomic plant. The same as he thoroughly researched the record with the FBI in the Luna case. The meltdown issue is now a valuable collector's item. Click here (+) to enlarge photo.
"Over the decades, (Mark) Felt has risen to the top of many lists (including Nixon's) as a candidate for Watergate double-crossing informant Deep Throat. Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward knew Felt from Woodward's days at Yale, theorists suggest, when Felt was an FBI recruiter on campus. Later, in the Navy, Woodward served in Quantico, Virginia, where Felt also worked as director of an FBI training center.
"Woodward has said he won't reveal the identity of Deep Throat until the world's most famous informant is dead. The way it should be. At this writing, Felt is an octogenarian living in retirement in California.
"In 1999, Felt denied to online Slate magazine that he was Deep Throat. Wouldn't he be a hero is he was? Felt was asked.
"'That's not my view at all,' Felt whistled. 'It would be contrary to my responsibility as a loyal employee of the FBI to leak information.'
"Felt obviously wasn't working on the Luna investigation."Keisling wrote about Felt in the context of the FBI's secret history of leaking information to the press, as was done in the case of Jonathan Luna.
Felt finally admitted to being Deep Throat in a Vanity Fair article published on May 31, 2005.
Former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee said, "The thing that stuns me is that the goddamn secret has lasted this long."
Too bad, Ben, but you're wrong.
At the start of his career, in 1978, Bill Keisling, then a young magazine editor, commissioned an article titled, "Meltdown: Tomorrow's Disaster at Three Mile Island," seven months before America's largest commercial nuclear accident in March, 1979.
Wait till the broader public learns what Keisling's been writing about Jonathan Luna and the FBI!
To read the excerpt from The Midnight Ride of Jonathan Luna in its entirety, click here >>